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Web Developer: Robert Ball

Robert Ball

My name is Robert Ball and I am a software developer enrolled in Code Fellows coding bootcamp. I am also concurrently enrolled at the University of Arizona working on a post bachelorette in cyber operations. My goal is to become a front end developer or work in cyber security forensics. Regardless, I see my future as being heavily involved in the tech and IT world.

Web Developer: Adrian Butler Jr.

Adrian Butler

My name is Adrian Butler. I'm an 18-year-old from Oklahoma. I'm pursuing a career in Web or App development. I enjoy programming and playing video-games. I have strong technical skills, and I love problem-solving. My first experience programming was in my Sophomore year of high school, when I attended the Computer Science Academy at Francis Tuttle (a local Votech school). I have been programming consistently since then.

Web Developer: Stephen Clemmer

Stephen Clemmer

Software developer experienced in JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. Over ten years of experience using lean and six sigma to lead cross-functional teams, clarify ambiguity, and deliver successful projects. Empathetic, entrepreneurial spirit, with a passion for collaboration, continuous improvement, and creating elegant solutions to interesting problems.

Web Developer: Jose Gonzalez

Jose Gonzalez

I am a bilingual California native transitioning from the Army and actively looking to pivot careers to software development. I am a team leader that emphasizes clear, open minded communication, respect and constructive feedback on any subject. I am on track to complete the basic coding/Java boot camp with an expected graduation in the fall of 2022. I know my resiliency, open mindedness and teamwork experience in the military and health care field make me an exceptional candidate in contributing in any software development opportunity.

Web Developer: Junyoung Son

Junyoung Son

Software developer with experience in HTML, CSS, JavaScript VSCode, Git, and Github. I am pursuing a career in software development.

I have experience in working in teams and management while serving in the military as a travel logistics manager.

I also have experience in leading and management.